Welcome to the Fine Foodie Philanthropist

Welcome to the Fine Foodie Philanthropist! I am so excited to share this project with you all…something I have talked about for way too long, and finally decided to pursue. With a crazy, hectic and fun-filled life, I wanted to do more of what sets my soul on fire—write!
I am a farmer’s wife who loves fine food, wine and giving back to our local community. I plan to share with you stories behind the wine and details of my culinary adventures, while also highlighting charitable events from Lodi, California and beyond.

During the week I am a Program Coordinator for the Hutchins Street Square Foundation, a local non-profit in the Lodi community. I am married to a third generation wine grapegrower, Craig Ledbetter, of Vino Farms. In 2013, we were blessed with an adorable son Chase, who shows me what love and compassion mean on a daily basis. He also never stops talking and is full of more energy than humanly possible.

When I’m not working or spending time with my family, you can usually find me doing one of three things:
- Volunteering for local organizations or hosting a dinner party
- Seeking out the finest foodie spots
- Sipping on wine (o.k. maybe a cocktail, but for the purposes of this blog, we’ll say wine).
Event planning is something I love to do, but I never wanted it to be a full time job. I am fortunate that I can use my creativity to help direct multiple fundraisers a year in our region. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Lodi Boys and Girls Club, am a member of Omega Nu (a community service sorority that fundraises for local non-profits) and was part of a collaborative group of young business leaders who launched the Young Professionals Committee of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce. I also assist the Lodi Community Foundation with administrative and media needs. These organizations keep me busy, and occasionally stress me out…but I find giving back to our local community keeps my heart full.

I love to travel and with a husband in the wine business, I consider myself lucky to attend food and wine events around the country. My true passion is food…one passed down from my late father, who I watched intently in the kitchen as a child. I was the only 7-year-old that enjoyed a red wine sauce on my filet mignon or a good grand marnier souffle. He always told me I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. So this one’s for you Dad…following the things I love in this beautiful world and sharing them on my new blog, The Fine Foodie Philanthropist! I hope you will join me on my epicurean journey and beyond.
Stay tuned…May is going to be a jam packed month!
The Fine Foodie Philanthropist
Suzanne Ledbetter